Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What a week!


As I sit here at my desk and check the live weather station and see it's currently 75* down from a high of 77* then I look at my calendar and it says March 21st.  A quick glance out my window towards the golf course and the fairways are striped, the greens are emerald, the sky is completely bluebird and we're seeing lots of happy golfers coming of the course.  I'd like to take the time to once again publicly commend the work being done by the grounds crew under the supervision of Jim Prescott.  These guys are absolutely working their tails off to get this course in the kind of shape it's been in and I would appreciate it greatly when you see them if you'd take the time to thank them for all their efforts.  They really do a lot and without them the course just doesn't run.

Moving along to whats on tap in the upcoming weeks.  Since the weather has been so nice we've spent the majority of our limited time doing course maintenance.  It's a long and somewhat repetitive process because we have to set a higher height of cut, mow, then head back into the maintenance barn, re-set to a lower height and then go out and mow again.  We know that there have been a lot of people who are chomping at the bit for us to open up the range and Bunkers Grill.  So here's the lowdown, we're going to spend Thursday and Friday getting the range nets up so look for the range to be open for the weekend!

As for Bunkers Grill, we're really excited to get open but we've got a couple of things we're working on downstairs to get everything all set for the season..  I can announce that we're planning on having a huge grand opening party for Bunkers in April on Friday the 13th, featuring Hair of the Dog upstairs in the Banquet Hall.  Then we'll get everything running on a normal schedule on Saturday April 14th in the usual downstairs location.

Again we'd like to thank EVERYONE who's come out the past few weeks, this is easily our best March in the history of the golf course and we can only thank our customers who continue to support us!

See you on the course!


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