Saturday, March 24, 2012

Under Construction

Please pardon our dust for the next few weeks as the crew up at Brunswick Greens gets a couple of projects accomplished.

First off many have noticed the new gravel cart path near the pro-shop.  Over the past winter Jim Prescott and I have been working on a solution to the nagging problem of carts not being allowed into the parking lot.  Due to the previous narrow concrete walking path and the blind corners around the building there really was no good way to allow people to drive carts to the parking lot.  After considering all of our options we decided the easiest way to proceed was to remove some of the front lawn and create a wider gravel pathway for cart traffic while keeping walking traffic on the concrete path.  No longer will you be forced to carry your clubs from the car all the way to the golf carts parked on the other side of the pro shop!!

We're also doing some on course improvements as well.  We've always struggled to keep the back tee on the 9th hole through the season.  Due to its poor location boxed in by trees the tee doesn't get enough sunlight and almost no airflow.  So we are in the process of re-configuring the tee box to bring it further out into the sunlight.  We are hoping with the new tee box we will rectify some of the problems we faced previously and allow us to keep grass on that tee though the season.  As for the tees scheduled completion we're hoping to have the construction and grading finished within the next week and we should be able to seed it by Easter week if Mother Nature continues to bless us with good weather.  If everything proceeds according to plan we should have the back tee in play by Memorial Day!

See you on the course!


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